Zero Margin on Third Party Cloud Infrastructure

You can expect zero margin on third party cloud infrastructure (IaaS) resources and services. Divio is a cloud partner you can trust.

Placholder for illustration

Why is IaaS always at cost with Divio?

We’ll always give you the straight infrastructure costs with zero margin on top. You can either receive them as part of your Divio bill, fully listed out, or you can receive them through your cloud vendor separately.

Why does that matter? 

Well, other companies charge their clients a margin on their cloud infrastructure usage. We believe this causes a conflict of interest. 

If our goal is to streamline your cloud setup to shrink cloud resource usage and costs, our margins would go down whenever we were successful. We’d actually be incentivized to fail on our promise to you to lower your cloud resource bills. 

That’s why we built Divio the way we did

We want you to save and still have a reliable, optimized cloud stack. It’s one of our values and we don’t want anything to get in the way of that. (And we do our best to save you money in other ways too: we also pass on reduced pricing through Divio’s partnerships.)

Why does it matter to us so much? It’s about trust and our commitment to you to lower your resource spending. 

That’s why cloud infrastructure is always at cost with Divio.